Friday, June 11, 2021

Upcoming First Grade Families

Dear Upcoming First Grade Families, Today Mrs. Lipski and I went to visit the Boutwell school and went into each classroom. We also did a remote orientation for students of Wildwood and Boutwell. It was such a pleasure to meet all of your children. They wanted to make sure I told their families that they were good and very kind. Also, they are excited to come to Shawsheen! Mrs. Lipski and I went over the slide show attached and we answered questions. Included in the slide show is the attached PDP of all the first grade teachers. In August, you will be able to log into Aspen to see your child's classroom teacher. We also gave all students a coloring book, which I will also post on our social media sites. I recommend having students keep this on the fridge as a reminder/social story for coming to Shawsheen. We also gave them a pencil case with crayons, bookmark, eraser, pencil and bracelet to take home. Once the rollover happens in August I will send out an invite for our guardian orientation. We are hopeful that before school starts the students will be able to see their first grade classroom. Please feel free to reach out to me this summer if you need anything. I am reachable by email and all my social media links are posted below. kindergarten move up day teachers intro.pdf First Grade Orientation 2021 Thank you and have a great weekend, Mrs. King Lisa King Shawsheen Elementary School Principal twitter @shawsheenschool Shawsheen Elementary Facebook Page Principal Blog

Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Good Afternoon, Here are some important reminders about field day: GRADE 1 WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY GRADE 3 WILL BE ON THURSDAY GRADE 2 WILL BE ON FRIDay Remote students who signed up may come in from 9:20-11:20. If you did not sign up & you want to attend please email your teacher directly. Your classroom teacher will be here to greet you. There will be a sign in & out sheet for parents. Remote teachers also have a similar schedule of activities that can be done remotely. We are giving out popsicles after lunch, however the classroom teacher can give out the popsicles before your child leaves. Schedule for the day 8:40 - 9:20 Arrival (attendance, snack, bathroom) Classrooms 9:20 - 11:20 Field Day activities Fields 11:20 - 11:50 Lunch Cafeteria 11:50 - 12:10 Recess Fields 12:10 - 1:00 Indoor activities Classrooms 1:00 - 1:40 Afternoon Recess Fields 1:40 - 2:00 Video Presentation Cafeteria 2:00 - 2:55 Wrap up Cafeteria The conclusion of our field day activities will include a video presentation for the entire grade in the classroom. The students will be able to relax and enjoy a G rated Pixar classic. If you do not want your student participating in the video presentation please notify Mr. Welch. Reminders: Wear sunscreen Hats are welcome Comfortable Clothes Water bottles Sneakers Beach towel Eat Breakfast at Home (snack will be provided as a station)