Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Read Across America and All School Meeting

Good Afternoon,

Next week is Read Across America Week as Mrs. Pattersson has already sent out a great weekly schedule.

On Monday, we have an All School Meeting and I thought it would be great to use a flipgrid video. I am sending this link to families so that students can also chime in and we can play the video montage on Monday during our All School Meeting.  It would be great if families participated with their child or children to create a 30 second video. We did this a few years ago and I thought it would be a nice way to kick off Read Across America Week and include our whole community. Here are the instructions and the link. 

Just so you know, you can delete anything you don’t like once you record and I do approve them all before making the video!

How to Enter Your Own Video

You will need a children’s book or your favorite book to talk about. You may record this video wherever you want as long as your device has a video component.
1.      Go to
2.      Go to the square that says enter a flip code and click on it.
3.      Enter Flip Code: b0dc186f
Password: Shawsheenreads
4.      Click on the topic displayed. Read Across America
5. Click on the green plus sign.
6.     You can hit the red record button and start recording.
8.      When you are done with your video, click on the green arrow on the right
9.      Continue with the green arrow.
10.  Step 3 will be to take a selfie and then if you want you can pick an emotion or emoji to add. Hit the green arrow again.
11.  At the end you do have to enter your first and last Initial. Then SCROLL down to hit submit!!!!
**All videos will be approved by me prior to posting for others to see+++

Have Fun!

Mrs. King