Friday, May 29, 2020

student belongings Pick Up---Important

Dear Families,
We made it through another week. I hope your children were able to enjoy some sunshine this week. As we get closer to the end of the year staff will be cleaning out student belongings. Next week, staff will voluntarily go in under social distancing precautions to pack up what is on student desks. They will do their best to gather all that they can. Included in the pickup bags will be anything that was labeled in the classroom such as water bottles, coats, sweatshirts, and anything that was on or in their desk that belongs to them. If the staff member is unclear whether it is a personal book or a classroom book, we will hold onto it until the fall or send it to the West. If you have something that you are certain is your child’s that you want to specifically make sure they get back, please email your teacher by Monday. Please note that staff are putting things in bags as they see them, they are not responsible for any headphones not working or broken items. (I don’t anticipate this, but wanted to be clear)
We have many things to gather from you as well like library books or anything borrowed from your classroom teacher.
Please read these procedures very carefully as we will only have volunteers for a limited amount of time to help with this process and want to make it as safe and efficient as we can. You may bring your children for the ride with you as they may see some special guests and for sure myself and Mr. Welch! Happy to see them even for a minute through a car window.      
On Monday, June 8th we will have a procedure in place to pick up student belongings. Please see the bulleted list below:
·        On your car window, please have your child’s last name, room number and teacher listed.
·        Please come at the time assigned. (we have 400 bags of supplies to hand out)
·        Please be patient as we have never done this before and will try to make it as efficient as possible.
·        Please pop open your trunk so that we can leave the items in the trunk.  If you are unable to pop your trunk please lower a back seat window so we will be able to place the item in your car.
·        Please do not get out of your car during this process. You will follow the cones and the line of cars to pull up.
  • Follow the signs for A Level, B Level & C Level clearly marked to park. If you have more than one child, please go to the younger grade level pick up time & you can gather all belongings.
·        You will have assigned times so please do your best to stick to those times.
Recorders Grade 3
Since grade 3 students have a recorder at home as already, recorders will be sent up to the West next year for students. 
Library Books
We have over 900 books out from the library. We are asking that when you come to pick up your student belongings you have your childs library books in a plastic bag.   Mrs. Patterson will be available to grab them from your trunk. Thank you for helping with this.
Please see the schedule below:

All students who are in sub-seperate programs belongings will be with their assigned classroom teacher.

Mrs. Lipski    A5
Mrs. Lesnik  C20
Ms. Cowden  A7
Mrs. Beauchamp  C21
Ms. Mckeown  A4
Mr. Mauriello C25
Ms. Weeks  A3
Mrs. Rogers C26
Mrs. Moroney  A1
Mrs. Cazeau C28
Mrs. Cali  A2
Mrs. Cameron C23
Ms. McDougal  B13
Mrs. Kelly-Joseph C29
Ms. Sadowski  B14
Mrs. Flaherty C27
Mrs. Gallo Dunn  C22