Thursday, April 12, 2018

April Updates

Good Afternoon Families,

We have had a such a busy month in April so far filled with exciting school activities in the classrooms and outside of school. The third grade students completed the ELA MCAS testing last week and will have the Math MCAS in May. All grade three classrooms went to the State House Field trip this week and they got to take a tour.

Mrs. Flaherty's class was able to go to the firehouse on Tuesday to accept a 1000 dollar donation from BFIT Bruins foundation. The 1000 dollars worth of recess equipment was donated in the form of street hockey equipment, nets and much more. The firefighters in Wilmington were one of the top fundraising teams in the Bfit challenge at TDBank North this year so we are delighted that they chose the Shawsheen to share this grant with. The students had a wonderful time playing hockey against them!

The First graders will be viewing the Animal habitat program from the Museum of science tomorrow during the day. They are very excited to see in action all that they have been learning about in class.

After vacation week on Tuesday, April 24th the Shawsheen will be doing the Get Fit Walk Around the School for about 20 minutes. This will begin at 2:10. Families are welcome to come and walk with their child or watch from the parking lot.

In May, we have the Ice Cream social on May 10th. The PAC has sent out letters for donations toward the raffle baskets. It is a great evening and Fundraising event for the school. Special guests  will be there to scoop the ice cream!

You may notice that your children are coming home to tell you that they Pawsome. We are rolling out our student recognition system where students can earn Paws for showing respect, resilience and responsibility. So far it has been great!

Also, the STEM fair is tonight at the Middle School. Hoping to see families there.

Thank you everyone and have a wonderful vacation week.

Mrs. King

Monday, April 2, 2018

Mrs. Gibbs Survey!

Parents and guardians I want to hear from you! Please take two minutes to fill out my survey so I can provide you with resources as we support your children together!

Thank You