Online Aspen Instructions

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This year, Wilmington Public Schools will be collecting the information previously on the Emergency Card and several of the “start of year” forms electronically.  This information will be submitted via the Aspen Family Portal.  Logins were created and emailed to the primary contact listed for each student.  If you have not received yours, please email with your child’s name for assistance.
This process will allow you to submit or update the following:
·         Contact information
·         Medical information
·         Handbook acknowledgement
·         Internet Use Policy form
·         Use of Video on Bus form
·         Privacy Law form
We have created an instructional video, as well as a step by step guide to help walk you through the process.  These can be found in the Tutorials section of our Aspen Help page on the WPS website at
While we do request that everyone complete this process for each child at the beginning of each school year, the process can also be used at any time to update contact information should phone numbers, etc. change at any time.
As a reminder, there will be an Aspen demonstration/Q&A session on Wednesday, August 27th at 6:00 pm in the Middle School Auditorium.  If you have any questions on this process, please feel free to attend.  You may also email with any questions.
Please fill out the bottom section of this form and return it to school with your child.

Thank you,
Lisa King
Interim Principal
I have reviewed the information above regarding collection of the emergency card and start of year forms electronically. 
_____  I will submit this information electronically.
_____   I do not have access to a computer or internet connection and would prefer to fill out a paper copy of these forms.
____________________________________                        _____________________________                                     
Student’s Name                                                                       Parent/Guardian Signature/Date