Dear Families,
In an effort to make car rider procedures more efficient & clear with the help & support of some parents we have updated some of the guidelines & have produced clear maps. The car rider procedures in the a.m will remain the same as previous years in that cars can pull up in two rows. You can clearly see on the attached map that the rows are on each side of the crosswalk allowing for up to 3 to 4 cars of students to exit and walk along the yellow crosswalks toward the crossing guard. Then the students can cross over to the building. By encouraging and allowing students to exit instead of waiting to reach the crossing guard will help with ensuring a smooth flow to the carpool lines. Below is some information about car rider procedures:
* Arrival begins at 8:30 a.m & ends at 8:55 a.m. Students are considered tardy & you must go to the front of the building if it is after 8:55.
- 2-3 staff members will be present during car rider arrival. One staff member will be at the bottom directing cars & buses. Please note buses always get the priority when they are pulling in & it is illegal to go around a bus even when they are parked. Another staff member will be closer toward the car rider line & one staff will be inside the doorway. As always, we have a crossing guard everyday for both a.m & p.m.
- Please pull forward to the farthest carpool station to unload your child.
- Please remain in your vehicle. Only your child should exit your vehicle. If you need more time with your child you must park your car & then you can walk them to the crosswalk or to the door. If you ever need assistance, a staff member will be available to help you or your child.
- Please be sure to help your child prior to entering your car. For example, talking about when they arrive at school & exiting properly & efficiently or going over any questions they may have on the drive to school instead when exiting the car.
- Dismissal begins at 3:00 p.m.
- Different from previous years we are going to do a trial where we have 3 lines of cars parked & allow for one row of cars at the bottom of the lot. Please see map for how this will look.
- Cars should be turned off when you park
- Parents should come up to the B level entrance door to retrieve your child. Children will NOT be allowed to walk down on their own to the cars. You must get out of your car to ensure safety.
- 2-3 staff members will be monitoring students who are car riders.
- You will need to approach your child for dismissal.
- Please go straight to your vehicle to help with traffic flow as soon as you have your child.
- All cars must be moved from the lot by 3:00 to allow buses to pass.
- There will be no parking next to the school to allow buses to pass. Please see map