Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Wilmington School System is currently in the process of
changing the way we respond to school emergencies. In the past we have
practiced “locking down” as a way of keeping students safe in the case of an
emergency - such as an intruder entering the building. Over time we have determined that there are
better ways to keep children safe if these types of situations arise. Through the guidance of the Wilmington Police
Department and the Wilmington School Safety Committee we are continuing to
utilize a fairly new protocol which we call A.L.I.C.E. ALICE
is an acronym which means Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate.
On Friday, November 15th teachers will be reading and discussing with
each child the document entitled, “How I Can Stay Safer At School!” with their
students. The document explains, in
simple terms, how and why the ALICE
protocol is to be implemented. It stresses the importance of following the
teacher’s directions in the case of an emergency, as each situation may require
a different teacher response. Before the end of the school year the students
will have an opportunity to practice several A.L.I.C.E. drills. On November 18th,
2014 we will be having the first ALICE
practice drill for the school year.
Your child may have questions when they arrive home on this
day. Please feel free to review the document with them and reinforce the idea
that school is a safe place. We thank you for your support as we implement this
important new school safety protocol.
Lisa King
Interim Principal
Shawsheen and Boutwell Elementary