Nurses Request

Dear Parents & Guardians,

From time to time situations occur in school in which a child is in need of a change of clothes. Some children may have an extra set of clothes in school in the event that an incident occurs. However, that is not the case for most of the children here at school.  This is a typical scenario: a child may fall into a puddle at recess, spill milk at lunch all over his/her clothing, or a child has a urinary accident and is need of a change of clothes.  It is sometimes difficult for parents to come to school, especially if both parents are working. Since it’s important to keep the child in school, it is wonderful to be able to provide dry clothing that a child can change into. 

In the past there has been an assortment of clothing and new underpants in the nurse’s office that children could change into.  Parents would wash them and return them to the nurse’s office.  Currently, the backup clothing supply has diminished considerably.  The Shawsheen nurse’s office is in need of donations of gently used clothing for boys and girls. We could use size 6 to size 12 leggings and pants for girls including plus size girls’ pants and sweatpants. For boys, I am in need of sweatpants and pants size 6 to size 10 including husky sizes. Any new underwear donations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for any assistance you are able to offer.


School Nurse