Welcome May!!!
We have a very busy month as you can imagine with winding down from the school year, field trips and concerts!
Today is teacher appreciation day and this week the PAC is providing a luncheon for the teachers on Friday. We all love that so much and appreciate all the families that help out and the PAC.
Tomorrow we are going to do Sports Day! Wear your favorite sports team, hats etc. Maybe the Celtics!
On Thursday evening is the PAC Ice cream social. We sent out a reminder notice the other day. This is a great opportunity to have a special ice cream treat, contribute to the PAC and maybe win a raffle item. Thank you for everyone who contributed to the raffle baskets. They look great!
Friday will be an early dismissal day. Please be sure that your child brings in a note if they are getting dismissed by a different means of transportation. Also, no lunches will be served.
Teachers are beginning the placement process. Just a reminder about the process so that families understand the many components that go into placement. We have several stages prior to it being finalized. Our goal is making balanced classrooms including male/female ratio, service deliveries, reading, classroom size and much more.
is May 14th and 15th for MATH for grade 3 students.
We have some community events coming up.
The WPS Behavioral Health Task is presenting the 3rd Annual Behavioral Health Provider Fair, “Mind, Body and Goals” on May 15th. See http://wpsk12.com headlines for more info! This is a great opportunity for all families. Please consider attending.
The Pan Mass Challenge for kids will be on Sunday, May 20th. We will have a table set up at the Ice Cream social for information on signing up. We are trying to help Ms. Hendee to have more kids signed up than previous years. Below is some information and you can sign up on line. I will be there to cheer on Shawsheen participants with a special sign with all the students name on it!
Lastly as summer approaches if any families need assistance in pursuing summer camps or information, please feel free to contact me.
Upcoming Dates:
Thursday, May 10th- Ice Cream Social
Friday, May 11th-Early Release Day
Monday, May 14th- Grade 3 MCAS
Tuesday, May 15th- Grade 3 MCAS
Tuesday, May 15th-Behavioral Health Fair
Friday, May 18th-Grade 1 field trip to Davis Farmland
Sunday, May 20th-Kids PMC Ride
Thursday, May 24th-Grade 3 concert and Mass Projects
Thank you all and have a great week,
Mrs. King