Monday, April 18, 2016

Placement Process

Dear Parents:

It is difficult to believe that spring has arrived and we have begun the final term of this school year.  As we approach the end of this school year, we will be thinking about the new school year and the classroom placement of students for next year.  This letter is a brief overview of the placement process and some of the criteria that we take into consideration.

The Shawsheen School administration, grade level teaching teams and support staff will meet to discuss student assignments.  The intent of these meetings is to thoroughly consider all of the criteria to insure that the new assignments will be both a positive and rewarding educational experience for both students and staff.  We also strive to create classes that are well balanced with groups of children who can work together educationally and socially.

First, we consider the make-up of the staff assigned at each grade level.  Then, we take the following factors into consideration.

  • Individual learning styles, strengths, talents
  • Male/female distribution
  • Classroom size
  • Peer relations
  • Social and emotional development
  • Students with Individualized Educational Plans
  • Students designated for additional reading support
  • Students with additional academic needs
  • Teacher recommendation
  • The need for a diverse classroom population
The placement process begins in May and continues for about 6 weeks. The teachers work on this during grade level meetings and our C.I.T day. There are about 3 phases to this process and the school prides itself in doing a thorough job in the best interest of each child.

Thank you for your support with this process and if you have any questions or concerns please let me know, 

Mrs. King