Good Morning,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday break. We had been very busy filling our Thankful Turkeys and this month we will be working on kindness reindeer. Teachers will be adding antlers to the school reindeer when catching students doing kind-full acts. The students have also helped to decorate the Shawsheen Tree for the Festival of Tress this weekend by writing their favorite book or message on the tree.
Coming up in the next week is our parent/teacher conferences on December 8th which is an early release day. All doors will be locked on this day as our CARES program is still going on. Please be sure to use the front door when entering and exiting the building.
Our Shawsheen leaders club has been busy organizing all the lost and found items which are now located on the stage. They have also delivered any clothing with names on it to students or classrooms. Please take a look on the blog for any items that may look familiar. We will be donating the items in the next few weeks if not claimed.
Lastly, we have a Toys for Wilmington Children bin outside the office organized by the Wilmington Fire Department. Students can bring in unwrapped toys or donations up until December 12th. During parent/teacher conferences would also be a great time to bring these items in. In addition to all the other events we have our second grade concert on December 15th. More information will be sent out to second grade families. We have many events and dates coming up in December, please view the upcoming dates below. You can also view the Shawsheen calendar on our website for events and the Principal's blog for any updates.
November 30th-6:00-7:00 Title One presents Readers Workshop for parents at the Woburn Street School
December 5th-Workshop for parents at the WMS on Anxiety in children 6:30
December 5th-Report cards go home
December 6th-Hour of Code at Woburn Street School 6:30-7:30
December 8th-Early release day due to parent/teacher conferences
December 12th-PAC meeting at 9:30 a.m at West
December 15th-Second grade concert
December 23rd-Early Release for Holiday Break!
Thank you,
Mrs. King
Notice of Non-Discrimination All educational and non-academic programs, activities and employment opportunities at Wilmington Public Schools are offered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, homelessness, age and/or disability, and any other class or characteristic protected by law.
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- General Information
- school calendar 2019-2020
- First Grade Parent Orientation Overview
- Welcome Back Letter 2019-2020