Thank you and your children for a great January. Students celebrated their 100th day of school, some by dressing up and others by making 100th day posters. I saw many papers written by third graders on what they will be like when they are 100. They all did a nice job. Academically, we have just finished our benchmark testing in Aims Web and for reading students Fountas and Pinnel. Readers workshop is still underway and students are working toward more time being increased for reading independently and picking out just right books in grades 1 and 3. Grade 2 are continuing to dabble in readers workshop and the Fundations program for phonics. Just a reminder that students in grade 2 have access to Raz Kids, which is an online reading program with leveled readers and study island for math and reading. In addition, grade 1 students have access to reading eggs and study island. Grade 3 has access to study island for both reading and math. These sites are tailored to your child's ability and is a great way to practice both skills for math and reading. In addition, the online Envisions correlates to what the students are working on by units. This site has games, the practice worksheets and much more. Please be sure to contact your classroom teacher if you need re-access to any of these online at home programs.
Upcoming Dates This Month:
2/9-Title One Family Night
2/13-PAC Meeting at West
2/14-Valentines Day (no candy please)
2/14 and 2/15-Dig into dinosaurs presentation (grade 2)
2/17-Shawsheen Leaders Meet 8:00 a.m
2/19-2/26-February Vacation :)
3/2-Grade 1 concert
Please check the principal blog for more updates and the Family Google Calendar.
Thank you and have a great month,
Mrs. King