Morning Families,
have had another very busy month! Over the past few weeks we had our Author
Visit for the entire school. First grade had the Starlab enrichment program and
second grade went on their annual field trip to Plimouth Plantation. We also
have many amazing things to celebrate such as our new buddy bench. We will be
debuting our buddy bench video at the school committee meeting on December 12th
if any families would like to tune in at 7:00 p.m. We also had the
Tewksbury/Wilmington Elks deliver our annual dictionaries gift to our
third graders. This is such an amazing tradition that they started about 12
years ago with the schools and it is very much appreciated. In
addition, as a school we participated in Festival of Trees over the past
weekend and we won for most spirited school tree! Below is a picture of our
tree. Thank you to everyone for helping to make this tree happen.
week we had bus evacuation and the students all had an opportunity to practice
and had a review on bus safety with Officer Moon. Also, on Thursday of
this week are parent/teacher conferences. There will be an early release
day on Thursday and no lunches will be served. Students will be dismissed at 12
noon. If your child is going home by a different means of transportation, please
send in a note. In addition, please be sure to enter and exit through the front
door during conferences. CARES is still going on and we will have students in
the building so all doors will be locked. Someone will be at the office to let
families in.
are collecting Toys for Wilmington children for one more week. If you have any
donations you would like to drop off during conferences or send in with your
child the bin is in front of the office.
13th is picture retake day.
Upcoming dates
Thursday, Dec 13th
Retake for Picture Day
Thursday, December 06, 2018
Early Dismissal - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, December 21, 2018
Early Dismissal at 12:00
December 22-Jan 1, 2019
Winter Break - No School
you all and have a great week,