Good Afternoon Everyone,
I know that you have received floods of emails from the district in an effort to keep everyone well informed. I am reaching out to you today to remind you that I will continue to keep families updated through Aspen email, Blogger, Twitter and I have just created a Principal King facebook page. All the information is below on how to follow these pages or find them. I tend to put the same information out in a variety of methods but would like to add some challenges for students on twitter or will repost some ideas I see that seem fitting. Please be sure you are receiving Aspen emails. If you are not, an email from OIT was sent out on how to edit your email or contact list. .
During this time and over the next few days you will receive contact from your classroom teachers if you have not already. All the staff are working to provide enrichment ideas and Dr. Reagan will be sending out some district enrichment ideas as well by the end of the week. Staff are checking email and are available for any questions or support that they can provide to you and your child/children.
Please note that Dr. Brand and the Wilmington Public Schools is sending out information as soon as it is forthcoming. It is uncharted territory as we have all been hearing. If you are unsure of a social media post not from the school district, please feel free to contact me directly for clarification.
Most importantly I hope that you are all well and stay well. It has only been a week and I am sure I speak for all the staff when I say we miss seeing all our kidos entering school. If you need anything, please email me or reach out. I am planning on starting a phone campaign in a few days in an effort to reach every student to say hello during this time. If you need any support, before I speak with you please let me know. If you are a family who would like the food service being offered and you cannot get to the pick up location, I am available to pick up and deliver. I am happy to help in any way.
Facebook page-
you, stay well and reach out if you need anything
Mrs. King