Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Weekly News Update-Shawsheen

Good Morning,

I hope all families enjoyed the 3 day weekend and the weather. I wanted to let families know that we have filled two more retirement positions for next year.  We had a special education opening for grade 1-3 at the Shawsheen. We are very fortunate to be able to secure Ms. Cailin Murphy. Ms. Murphy has her BA and is obtaining her Masters in Special Education anticipated this May. She has her license in K-8 in moderate disabilities. She comes with glowing references and has experience working with students with disabilities, working with families, team meetings and much more. Thank you to my interview committee which consisted of teachers, parents and administrators.  

I also wanted to let you know that we have hired Mr. Michael  Sudak as our physical education teacher at the Shawsheen to fill the physical education position in the fall. Mr. Sudak has been working in the Andover Public School system.  His experiences thus far will benefit our students and our overall school community.  Thank you to our interview committee made up of teachers and administrators.

Happy Birthday for some of our April birthdays-last week and this week! (we had a lot)

Flipgrid video for National Poetry Month
It is National Poetry Month and have initiated a flipgrid where students can share a poem they write, read a favorite poem or email me a poem. Feel free to join in on this one!

Password: Wildcats

Here is the link for the 3 R’s remote learning PBIS matrix. I used screentastic and uploaded to google docs. It is less than 3 minutes for families to watch together. Thank you to our PBIS team.

Please feel free to email or share with me some great things that are happening at home with the 3 R’s via email, twitter or facebook. I will give out some virtual paws, a shout out and maybe even a surprise phone call!

Also, please continue to let your teacher know if you need assistance. Everyone is working diligently and doing their very best during this time including families and students. We appreciate you and all your efforts. We miss our students but we are going to continue to be resilient during this time. If you need anything please feel free to reach out.

Whatever social media works for you, feel free to keep up to date on these outlets!

Twitter @shawsheenschool

Thank you,

Mrs. King