Sunday, May 17, 2020

weekly updates-shawsheen may

Dear Families,
I hope this email finds you well. I do not have much new information to share this week. I know that some families are concerned with placement and gathering of student belongings. Please know that placement is well on its way. We continued our placement process much like we do in the Month of May. As I have stated in previous emails that placement is based on a variety of factors in order to make the best balance classroom as possible so that all students can achieve. Just a reminder that placement/teacher names will be provided in August as discussed previously by the Superintendent and school committee. However, school supply lists will be posted based on grade level by the last day of school. If any families need any support with school supplies, summer clothes, etc. please reach out to me and the information is kept confidential. Thank you for understanding.
We are still in the process of sorting out how families will collect school belongings. As soon as there is a district plan in place for this I will notify families and there will be safe system to collect belongings on a certain day and time.
Third grade families should have received an email from the PAC in regards to grade 3 T-shirts. Please take a minute to respond to the google form if you have not yet so that the T-shirts can be ordered and made. The PAC is paying for this as a special treat for our 3rd grade students. Thank you to the PAC!
Ryan Haack, author or Different is Awesome, gave our birthday shout outs for this week. If your child has a birthday this week, check out the video!
This will be the third week that Mr. Welch and I will be holding Principal Office hours. No topic but just a time to talk about concerns, things that are working well. A time to support other parents and maybe help with solutions. I will send out the zoom link in a separate email. It will be weds at 3:00. I try to pick a different day and time each week to accommodate the variety of schedules.
Reminder if you want to send in a recipe, you can email me. It can be a picture, handwritten, whatever you want. I will be compiling a recipe book for all families!
I hope all is well. If you need anything, please reach out and we will assist you or guide you in the right direction! Missing all the students and wishing everyone a nice week.
Thank you for all you do,
Mrs. King