Monday, August 3, 2020

Welcome Back Letter 2020

August 3, 2020
Good Evening Shawsheen Families,
First, I want to acknowledge that this is not my typical welcome back letter to families. In fact, I kept wanting to rewrite this first paragraph to talk about all the great things that have occurred over the summer with vacations and family. I always loved referencing the many post cards I would receive from all kinds of places from all of our students and I would write back to each one. Unfortunately, this summer was different and my family had to adjust like many of yours.  We may not have experienced vacations like we knew them but we tried to make the best out of our time together. Whether it was watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs over and over again or having some extra snuggle time, we did what we could. I am sure I am not alone with some of these sentiments and I know that we all want what is best for our students and our staff.
Thank YOU to our Staff and Custodians
Although, the summer at home seemed different, inside the Shawsheen remained mostly the same. The custodians moving furniture and doing an incredible job cleaning the building as usual. I want to thank them for all their dedication in the summer. This is not an easy job under any conditions and they have been extremely helpful. In addition, I want to thank my staff for their countless hours and efforts to try and support the schools and the reopening committees to make sure that everyone is safe. The Shawsheen Building Based committee is made up of an amazing representation and all their efforts are continued from possible scheduling changes, room changes from how recess and bathroom breaks will work. Please join me in thanking our teachers and valuing all they do all year long. This is not an easy time for all of us and many of our teachers have families as well, so they understand the importance on all fronts including family stressors due to the unknown and socialization and academics concerns for your children. I wish I had a simple and easy answer that would support families, staff and community members.  What I can tell you is that the district will continue to update you as we move forward with our plans and move toward learning in the fall, whatever that shall look like. I can also tell you that we will remain optimistic in making whatever decision work best for our students.
Classroom Assignments and Delays
Please note that during this time of year I would have sent out updates on classrooms, and orientations for first graders or new students or events that would have occurred in the spring. Due to all the uncertainty and many new procedures that are being developed we will have to delay this typical timeline. We are all working toward some type of transition piece for all students even if it occurs virtually. As information becomes available on this or any other supports we will send something out to families. There are also a variety of resources on our district webpage and in addition families can follow the Shawsheen on the facebook page, twitter account or the blog. All the same information will be pushed out to all sources so whatever works for your family to access information, please utilize.
District Learning Plan Information
As you are aware the district is considering all the options for learning to occur in a safe and effective way and are in the process still of gathering data to make the best decision for all stakeholders. The district will be sending out something early this week that will ask families to make a commitment for their child as to which mode of learning that you want to pursue for the start of the current school year. As you know by now, there is the intent to start the year with a hybrid mode of learning that will see students in school part of the time and participating in remote instruction part of the time. While you will be provided with the opportunity to change your decision periodically throughout the upcoming school year it is essential that we know definitively the plan of our families for the start of the year.  Please watch for this information coming soon. As this information will certainly inform buildings on number of students in a classroom and the way in which we may have to place students, class lists at this point will be delayed. We will send out classroom teachers as soon as possible.
Supply Lists Update
Also, we are grappling with supply lists for grades 1-3 as we do not want to put any extra burden on families as we navigate what materials are necessary to purchase. At this time we would like each student should have the following:
·        Headset for either remote or hybrid learning
·        Pencil or storage case for their materials
·        Possibly Donations of hand sanitizer (individual or larger sizes)-type will be determined
·        Grade 3 only - composition books (2-3)
We are planning on providing each student with individual scissors, pencils, and pencil sharpener for desk, crayons, glue sticks, colored pencils and expo markers. A fuller list will be provided at a later date and it will be consistent amongst grades, not by individual teachers.  With the new DESE guidelines, we will be eliminating the need for any shared supplies.  If you are in need of any financial support with regard to school supplies (backpacks, lunch bags, etc.), please feel free to let us know, as we are working with several local organization and generous donors.
Update on WPS Reopening Plans
Please note that Dr. Brand, Superintendent of Schools, will be hosting an online meeting this Thursday, August 6 at 6:30 p.m. to provide parents/guardians with specific updates and information regarding our reopening of schools. Please watch for the link to this meeting coming from his office soon.
This is just an initial email to give you some updates. I will be sending out more information as it becomes available. In addition to email communication, we have a Shawsheen Facebook page, Twitter page and Principal Blog where we post information. For district information please visit our new website at

lisaking@shawsheenschool  Twitter

Thank you and have a good evening,

Mrs. King