Friday, December 4, 2020

weekly news 12/4/20 Shawsheen

 Dear Families,

Thank you all for your support over this week & the week before. The students have transitioned back to school again after the short break seamlessly including our remote learners. We had our All School Meeting on Wednesday virtually & I have added the link below if you wish to watch it. Our PBIS team has been continuing to meet & temporarily instead of handing out PAWS for respect, resilience & responsibility we are trying a new approach with certificates within each classroom for students at the end of the week. We also keep data on this information so if students are not displaying the 3 R’s we can see what we can do to help support them. Classrooms are also still earning Golden Awards from specialists weekly for showing the 3 R’s in specialist class. They get acknowledged on a bulletin board in the lobby & have the golden award in their classroom for the week. We also send out a video to the school to watch. Our remote learners are also included in all of this. We will continue to work with students on the PBIS lessons. Along with PBIS initiatives we are going to do relationship mapping in a few weeks. We do this every year where every staff member reviews the names of all students & follows a protocol to help identify if students are not making connections with staff in the building. We then take that data & try to do interventions with a percentage of students including matching them up with a mentor staff. More information to come on mentor matching after the 1st of the year. All School Meeting Link

Some families have inquired about picture day. The district is not allowing anyone from outside the district into the schools right now. We are going to look into this for the spring.

Next week we have an early release day on wednesday for professional development for teachers. This is a scheduled day on the calendar. There will be no asynchronous work in the afternoon on this day. 

Please remember to keep the school nurse informed, teacher or myself if you suspect that your child has to quarantine or have any questions about that. You can also check our district website for information on close contacts. In addition, Doreen Crowe, is our nurse leader for the district & you can email her at with any questions as well. 

Please note that if your child is in quarantine & is remote, no changes needed to be made to the delivery of instruction. If you are in a cohort for in person learning, your child would miss 4 in person days of instruction. Your child’s teacher will put together packets or missed work within a few days of getting notice of this. Your child will log into google as they would on a ayschnerous day & therefore be considered present. You can request the work to be emailed to you or you can have someone who is not in quarantine pick it up at the school. 

Also, a quick thank you to everyone who sent in donations for the Festival of Trees for the Shawsheen Tree. This year it is truly unique & therefore we made a unique tree filled with care packages to Take Care of Yourself. The boxes are stacked like a christmas tree. A special thank you to Jen Sirois, Lisa Gibbs, & Cheryl Cazeau for helping to make this happen. The WOW foundation gives back to our community, families at our school & I can always count on them to support students in a pinch. Please consider checking out the online festival this year. It ends tonight & here is the link.  Festival of Trees Link

Thanks again for all you do & please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything especially around this time of year. 

Mrs. King

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