Good Morning Families,
Thank you all for returning from vacation with your positive spirit even with all that is going on. You have all been helping in supporting students in so many ways. It has not gone unnoticed. SO, thank you.
We have some great things happening at the Shawsheen. The PAC has booked Rob Surette and he is going to do a virtual presentation on Feb 10th at 10:00 a.m. All staff and students should log onto this. It will be great! Here is a link to some of his performances.
In addition to the PAC supporting this enrichment program they are going to help to support read across america month starting on Feb 2-March 2nd. We have signed up for an online program where all students can log in their reading minutes and can earn small rewards as they go. In addition, it acts as a fundraiser as well if families or friends can sponsor students the school can earn funds. Since we were not able to do the birthday book club this year we will be purchasing one book per student to kick off the Read Across America month. I hope everyone participates. This is a fun way to encourage reading, give shout outs, and raise some funds for more enrichment programs for the students. As families may be aware the PAC is struggling this year because they have had to cancel so many typical fundraisers so we have had to cut back.
Also, Mrs. Patterson will be sending out information soon about a grade 3 book club that she will allow students to sign up for virtually. More information on that to come.
Relationship mapping has been a success. We do this each year where we take a look at all students from a social/emotional perspective. It could be students who are shy, new move ins, or would benefit from a connection with a mentor/adult. Shawsheen Elementary school received a grant for this program to continue this year due to the success from last year. If your child is selected if will be virtually and it is about 20 minutes per week with the same mentor. We usually do 6-8 weeks and then rotate students. There will be a very simple survey that your child will fill out at the end about their experience. We can' t select everyone in the first round, but we are going to be starting this in a few weeks. I will be sending out schedules for our mentor volunteers and families will receive a letter if selected. This is an amazing thing for both students and staff.
Update on safe and supportive school grant. We are in the process of providing Professional development for the staff on responsive classroom and morning meeting. We are also looking to bring in PD for families and students on equity and diversity. In addition, we will be forming a small group at the school of staff and possibly a parent for an equity and diversity group. We are also continuing with our consultants for PBIS through this recent grant. More to come on this! If parents have any PD that you would recommend on this topic or have heard about please feel free to email me.
Please continue to keep the school informed if your child is a close contact or needs to be in quarantine. The school nurse should be cc: on any email. You are also welcome to email if you have any questions.
Just a reminder that Report Cards go out on Feb 10th and that is when we have an early release for parent/teacher conferences.
Lastly, I know that you have received several emails about how to help your child process events that have occured. Please note that if you do need anything do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for all you do working with the school, staff and our students. It is so appreciated.
Mrs. King