Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Read A Thon Kickoff has begun!

 Good Morning Families,

The Read a thon kick off event has started. Here is the ALL SCHOOL MEETING that the students watched today with their classmates virtually. It goes over the read a thon for them. All students also read for 10 minutes silently during the ALL SCHOOL MEETING. Feel free to watch it.  ALL SCHOOL MEETING Just a reminder that all students if they have not already due to the snow day will receive this week a free book to get started with reading. There are some fun small prizes for every 100 minutes read a week that they must log in online. Directions are also included. 

Lastly, ALL students can participate whether you make a donation or not. If you or any friends or family members would like to contribute to sponsor your child in the read a thon the information is on the flyer and below. Any donation is welcome and you can also send in check or cash to the school with a note having student name and read a thon on it. 

Here is the information on the flyer that was or is being sent home.

Read A Thon Flyer

Here is the google link to log in minutes weekly. Only once a week is necessary to log in!

Google Link to Log Minutes

Thank you all and we hope the students have fun with reading this month!

Mrs. King