Monday, October 19, 2020

Shawsheen Virtual Parent Orientation 10/19/20


Dear Families,


Today was an amazing day back with the staff. The classrooms look great and all the efforts of the staff, custodial staff, school nurse, building based team and much more has not gone unnoticed. We may have less desks and more space in-between but the building and learning environment is filled with excitement, energy and love to welcome students back. Over the next few weeks you will be getting more information as we re-open and just a reminder that our virtual open house is this Thursday. Staff will be sending out information on this shortly.

As promised below is a link for a Shawsheen Elementary School Parent Orientation. Within this slide show are voice overs if you wish to click on it. If not, you are welcome to just read through the slides. The presentation will take you through what a day will look like at Shawsheen including mask breaks, car rider, dismissal, snack, lunch, recess and handwashing. There are also links provided for more district resources and a question form for any questions you would like to submit. I will answer your question in a FAQ sheet for this week’s weekly news by Friday or email you directly.

Thank you so much for working with us to prepare your children for the transition back. For our remote classroom learners I have included you on this email as well. There is some information on attendance and cohorts that may pertain to you. We will be doing many school activities which will be inclusive of all learners remote or hybrid such as All School Meeting, PBIS lessons and more. Stay tuned and thanks for all you do!

Mrs. King