Dear Families,
I am so proud of the students for all their efforts and look forward to welcoming back our Grade 1 students in Cohort A on Thursday and grade 1 Cohort B on Friday. Just a reminder that there is no school for students on Monday and Tuesday. This means they will not be logging in at all for those days regardless of Cohorts.
I sent out information surrounding open house last week and staff will send out links on how to access the virtual open house as it approaches.
Also, on Monday please keep an eye out for a powerpoint presentation on what a day at Shawsheen will look when we return. It is a voice over and gives you the option to click on the icon or just read through the slides at your own pace. Some of the information may feel repetitive from the district prospective but we felt it was important to go over what Shawsheen will look like for arrival, dismissal, snack, recess, lunches, etc. There will be an opportunity to submit questions at the end and I will get back to individual families or create a common FAQ.
Lastly, today is Favorite Sports Day!!! Have a great long weekend!
Mrs. King