Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Weekly Reminders For May 31st-June 3rd

Weekly Reminders!

It continues to be a busy time of year so I wanted to send out some reminders of upcoming events.

* Monday, May 30th- NO SCHOOL
* Tuesday-May 31st- Parent Workshop Theresa Wiggins from Village parenting will be here to present to families. This workshop was provided by the Curriculum grant on Mindfulness that I wrote earlier this year. We are so fortunate to be able to have this workshop here at the school. Childcare will also be provided. The workshops were based on the parent survey that went out including the times that best worked for families and other considerations. If you did not sign up and you would like to come, please send an email to my secretary  I hope to see families there, please save the date.  The topic on Tuesday is called Parents as Educators. Learn how you are the primary educator in your child’s life. Learn strategies for helping your child with both behavioral and academic success.  Leave this workshop feeling empowered by the role you play! It will run from 6:30-8:00 at the Shawsheen Cafe. A movie (open season 2)  will be playing in the library with childcare in addition to games, tablets and arts and crafts. 
*Wednesday, June 1st-Move up day for grade 3 students to WEST in the morning
*Thursday-June 2nd- Graduating seniors will walk through the building and all the students will cheer for them!
* Friday-June 3rd- Junior Jazz Group visiting, Grade 3 Parent visit for the MASS projects in the cafeteria from 2:15-2:45, Grade 2 Author's Day in the classrooms from 1:15-2:00.