Thursday, December 17, 2020


Good Morning Families,

We have some great news to announce. The Shawsheen Elementary School has been the recipient of the safe and supportive school grant. This is a 10,000 dollar grant that we will utilize for PD opportunities on Equity and diversity, Responsive classroom, PBIS initiatives, and much more. We will keep families up to date on our action plan and status as we go along. This is a very exciting opportunity for the school and the district to be part of. I would like to thank all the staff who helped out to write this grant: Mrs. Gibbs, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Patterson, Ms. Mcdougal, Mrs. Gallo-Dunn, and Lauren Cameron.

Thank you to families for continuing to keep the school nurse, district and teacher informed of any change in status with your students health. We understand it can be stressful but we are here to help in guide you in anyway. Reminder that if you have any questions it is much better to ask than not. We will also get back to you and in a timely manner. If it is on a weekend or evening, please feel free to email myself at and/or Also, below is the link on the website that has helpful information. Covid Resources

As stated in Dr. Brands email earlier this a.m we will be remote tomorrow through weds. On Monday and Tuesday students can still wear their holiday best. This could be funny socks, sweater, really anything to show spirit. On Wednesday, we will keep with our tradition with Pajama day.

Lastly, please enjoy this special video for December displaying student work. Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful New Year. 

December Student Work Video!

Mrs. King

Friday, December 4, 2020

weekly news 12/4/20 Shawsheen

 Dear Families,

Thank you all for your support over this week & the week before. The students have transitioned back to school again after the short break seamlessly including our remote learners. We had our All School Meeting on Wednesday virtually & I have added the link below if you wish to watch it. Our PBIS team has been continuing to meet & temporarily instead of handing out PAWS for respect, resilience & responsibility we are trying a new approach with certificates within each classroom for students at the end of the week. We also keep data on this information so if students are not displaying the 3 R’s we can see what we can do to help support them. Classrooms are also still earning Golden Awards from specialists weekly for showing the 3 R’s in specialist class. They get acknowledged on a bulletin board in the lobby & have the golden award in their classroom for the week. We also send out a video to the school to watch. Our remote learners are also included in all of this. We will continue to work with students on the PBIS lessons. Along with PBIS initiatives we are going to do relationship mapping in a few weeks. We do this every year where every staff member reviews the names of all students & follows a protocol to help identify if students are not making connections with staff in the building. We then take that data & try to do interventions with a percentage of students including matching them up with a mentor staff. More information to come on mentor matching after the 1st of the year. All School Meeting Link

Some families have inquired about picture day. The district is not allowing anyone from outside the district into the schools right now. We are going to look into this for the spring.

Next week we have an early release day on wednesday for professional development for teachers. This is a scheduled day on the calendar. There will be no asynchronous work in the afternoon on this day. 

Please remember to keep the school nurse informed, teacher or myself if you suspect that your child has to quarantine or have any questions about that. You can also check our district website for information on close contacts. In addition, Doreen Crowe, is our nurse leader for the district & you can email her at with any questions as well. 

Please note that if your child is in quarantine & is remote, no changes needed to be made to the delivery of instruction. If you are in a cohort for in person learning, your child would miss 4 in person days of instruction. Your child’s teacher will put together packets or missed work within a few days of getting notice of this. Your child will log into google as they would on a ayschnerous day & therefore be considered present. You can request the work to be emailed to you or you can have someone who is not in quarantine pick it up at the school. 

Also, a quick thank you to everyone who sent in donations for the Festival of Trees for the Shawsheen Tree. This year it is truly unique & therefore we made a unique tree filled with care packages to Take Care of Yourself. The boxes are stacked like a christmas tree. A special thank you to Jen Sirois, Lisa Gibbs, & Cheryl Cazeau for helping to make this happen. The WOW foundation gives back to our community, families at our school & I can always count on them to support students in a pinch. Please consider checking out the online festival this year. It ends tonight & here is the link.  Festival of Trees Link

Thanks again for all you do & please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything especially around this time of year. 

Mrs. King

Attachments area

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Opt In for Text Messaging!

 Please Opt in for Text Messaging from the school. It is very easy to do and will remind you to check for any important emails. Thank you!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

weekly news 11/12/20

Good Morning,

Weekly updates will be brief this week. It was a beautiful week and I hope whether students were remote or in person that they got to enjoy this November weather. 

Next week on November 18th will be an early release day which means students will not be assigned work in the afternoon. Staff have sent out information on signing up for parent/teacher conferences. Please check in with your classroom teacher if you need assistance with sign ups.

News from the PAC:

Lots going on. Please see attached for the Pie Pick up procedures. This will be different from the past as it will be outside and starts at 3:30. We cannot start it earlier due to dismissal procedures and time it takes for them to have it set up. 

The PAC are still selling the community cards for 10 dollars apiece. These will make some great gifts! 

They are also selling gift cards using scripts. If you are planning on buying gift cards please go through them and we get proceeds from each card sold. It is very simple!

Also, is attached the PAC newsletter. I want to thank the PAC for all they do in supporting the schools all the time. They are currently in the process of helping us to buy new recess equipment for cohorts. We appreciate their support and your support tremendously.

Festival of Trees

Our Shawsheen Tree theme this year is Shawsheen Cares. The tree is going to be made of boxes that are stacked like a tree. All boxes will be wrapped and filled with theme boxes of ways to take care of yourself. Some ideas include books, spa gifts, cooking, activities and much more. We are asking for monetary donations or gift cards like we did in years previously. Any donation  even under 5 dollars in gift cards or cash to buy the items would be great. The tree is from all the students and staff from shawsheen regardless of who can contribute. Last year we won Best Tree Topper! If you have a remote student you can arrange to drop anything  during the school day. 

Have a great day and weekend,

Mrs. King

Lisa King

Shawsheen Elementary School

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions on Reopening Shawsheen Updated 10/20

 Frequently Asked Questions on Reopening Shawsheen

This will continue to update throughout the week!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Shawsheen Virtual Parent Orientation 10/19/20


Dear Families,


Today was an amazing day back with the staff. The classrooms look great and all the efforts of the staff, custodial staff, school nurse, building based team and much more has not gone unnoticed. We may have less desks and more space in-between but the building and learning environment is filled with excitement, energy and love to welcome students back. Over the next few weeks you will be getting more information as we re-open and just a reminder that our virtual open house is this Thursday. Staff will be sending out information on this shortly.

As promised below is a link for a Shawsheen Elementary School Parent Orientation. Within this slide show are voice overs if you wish to click on it. If not, you are welcome to just read through the slides. The presentation will take you through what a day will look like at Shawsheen including mask breaks, car rider, dismissal, snack, lunch, recess and handwashing. There are also links provided for more district resources and a question form for any questions you would like to submit. I will answer your question in a FAQ sheet for this week’s weekly news by Friday or email you directly.

Thank you so much for working with us to prepare your children for the transition back. For our remote classroom learners I have included you on this email as well. There is some information on attendance and cohorts that may pertain to you. We will be doing many school activities which will be inclusive of all learners remote or hybrid such as All School Meeting, PBIS lessons and more. Stay tuned and thanks for all you do!

Mrs. King

Friday, October 16, 2020

Weekly news 10/16/20-SPORTS DAY TODAY

 Dear Families,

I am so proud of the students for all their efforts and look forward to welcoming back our Grade 1 students in Cohort A on Thursday and grade 1 Cohort B on Friday. Just a reminder that there is no school for students on Monday and Tuesday. This means they will not be logging in at all for those days regardless of Cohorts.

I sent out information surrounding open house last week and staff will send out links on how to access the virtual open house as it approaches.

Also, on Monday please keep an eye out for a powerpoint presentation on what a day at Shawsheen will look when we return. It is a voice over and gives you the option to click on the icon or just read through the slides at your own pace. Some of the information may feel repetitive from the district prospective but we felt it was important to go over what Shawsheen will look like for arrival, dismissal, snack, recess, lunches, etc. There will be an opportunity to submit questions at the end and I will get back to individual families or create a common FAQ.

Lastly, today is Favorite Sports Day!!! Have a great long weekend!

Mrs. King

Friday, October 9, 2020

Weekly News-10/9/20


Good Afternoon Families,

We are very excited to welcome students back while continuing to embrace our current and ongoing remote learners. In the next few weeks I will be sending out specific reopening information on our school procedures such as mask breaks, car rider, arrival, dismissal etc. As a reminder the district has been providing beneficial information and updating  policies and procedures on our website. Last evening the superintendent held a community forum where the cohorts, schedules, covid procedures and much more was discussed. Please feel free to review these resources at your convenience. Reopening Website and Resources

We have refrained from asking families for supplies this year as we will provide them so that nothing is shared. However, if you would like to send your child in with their own hand sanitizer for their desk that would be appreciated. We are also more than happy to take those donations as extras if you wish. Paper towels and Kleenex is also helpful to have extra of  in the classroon. 

Next week from Tuesday-Friday is continued remote learning. October 19th and 20th the district has updated the calendar to reflect 2 non school days. On Wednesday, October 21st the classroom teachers will be live remotely in the a.m and asynchronous in p.m. As part of our preparation for reopening of the school, grade 1 cohort A will come in on October 22nd and grade 1 cohort B on the 23rd and then all students starting based on their cohorts  on October 26th. Grades 2 and 3 will continue with remote while the first grade does their orientation days. 

* Tomorrow is Pajama day

* Monday is NO school

* October 22nd is Virtual Open House 4-8:15

* Pie Fundraiser (see portion of email below from PAC)

ORDERS DUE BY TUESDAY OCTOBER 13! The Shawsheen/West PAC's annual pie and pastry fundraiser is here featuring Lyman Orchards Pies, Braided Pastry and Cake Rolls!! Orders will arrive on Tuesday, November 24, right in time for Thanksgiving! Don't bake your Thanksgiving pies from scratch! Just order ours, thaw and serve! (fruit pies are frozen, unbaked). Plus, new gift items are also available this year including: tumblers, water bottles, coffee, gourmet popcorn and more!


Follow this link to create your account, share with friends and order! >>>

Thank you,

Mrs. King

Friday, October 2, 2020

Weekly News--Shawsheen Elementary 10/2/20

 Good Morning Families,

Thank you all for another great week. The staff and administration appreciate all your support with continuing remote learning. Please see below for just a few updates:

*  Student work and remote learning video 1 minute

* A letter for virtual open house will be sent out next week with dates and times. 

* Please review letter sent out by Dr. Brand on new reopening dates and information presented at school committee meeting.

* Pac Pie Fundraiser information 

The Shawsheen/West PAC's annual pie and pastry fundraiser is here from Oct. 2-13 featuring Lyman Orchards Pies, Braided Pastry and Cake Rolls!! Orders will arrive on Tuesday, November 24, right in time for Thanksgiving! Don't bake your Thanksgiving pies from scratch! Just order ours, thaw and serve! (fruit pies are frozen, unbaked). Plus, new gift items are also available this year including: tumblers, water bottles, coffee, gourmet popcorn and more!

 Please Note: This year we are taking all orders online. Follow this link to create your account, share with friends and order! >>>


Enjoy your weekend,


Monday, August 3, 2020

Welcome Back Letter 2020

August 3, 2020
Good Evening Shawsheen Families,
First, I want to acknowledge that this is not my typical welcome back letter to families. In fact, I kept wanting to rewrite this first paragraph to talk about all the great things that have occurred over the summer with vacations and family. I always loved referencing the many post cards I would receive from all kinds of places from all of our students and I would write back to each one. Unfortunately, this summer was different and my family had to adjust like many of yours.  We may not have experienced vacations like we knew them but we tried to make the best out of our time together. Whether it was watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs over and over again or having some extra snuggle time, we did what we could. I am sure I am not alone with some of these sentiments and I know that we all want what is best for our students and our staff.
Thank YOU to our Staff and Custodians
Although, the summer at home seemed different, inside the Shawsheen remained mostly the same. The custodians moving furniture and doing an incredible job cleaning the building as usual. I want to thank them for all their dedication in the summer. This is not an easy job under any conditions and they have been extremely helpful. In addition, I want to thank my staff for their countless hours and efforts to try and support the schools and the reopening committees to make sure that everyone is safe. The Shawsheen Building Based committee is made up of an amazing representation and all their efforts are continued from possible scheduling changes, room changes from how recess and bathroom breaks will work. Please join me in thanking our teachers and valuing all they do all year long. This is not an easy time for all of us and many of our teachers have families as well, so they understand the importance on all fronts including family stressors due to the unknown and socialization and academics concerns for your children. I wish I had a simple and easy answer that would support families, staff and community members.  What I can tell you is that the district will continue to update you as we move forward with our plans and move toward learning in the fall, whatever that shall look like. I can also tell you that we will remain optimistic in making whatever decision work best for our students.
Classroom Assignments and Delays
Please note that during this time of year I would have sent out updates on classrooms, and orientations for first graders or new students or events that would have occurred in the spring. Due to all the uncertainty and many new procedures that are being developed we will have to delay this typical timeline. We are all working toward some type of transition piece for all students even if it occurs virtually. As information becomes available on this or any other supports we will send something out to families. There are also a variety of resources on our district webpage and in addition families can follow the Shawsheen on the facebook page, twitter account or the blog. All the same information will be pushed out to all sources so whatever works for your family to access information, please utilize.
District Learning Plan Information
As you are aware the district is considering all the options for learning to occur in a safe and effective way and are in the process still of gathering data to make the best decision for all stakeholders. The district will be sending out something early this week that will ask families to make a commitment for their child as to which mode of learning that you want to pursue for the start of the current school year. As you know by now, there is the intent to start the year with a hybrid mode of learning that will see students in school part of the time and participating in remote instruction part of the time. While you will be provided with the opportunity to change your decision periodically throughout the upcoming school year it is essential that we know definitively the plan of our families for the start of the year.  Please watch for this information coming soon. As this information will certainly inform buildings on number of students in a classroom and the way in which we may have to place students, class lists at this point will be delayed. We will send out classroom teachers as soon as possible.
Supply Lists Update
Also, we are grappling with supply lists for grades 1-3 as we do not want to put any extra burden on families as we navigate what materials are necessary to purchase. At this time we would like each student should have the following:
·        Headset for either remote or hybrid learning
·        Pencil or storage case for their materials
·        Possibly Donations of hand sanitizer (individual or larger sizes)-type will be determined
·        Grade 3 only - composition books (2-3)
We are planning on providing each student with individual scissors, pencils, and pencil sharpener for desk, crayons, glue sticks, colored pencils and expo markers. A fuller list will be provided at a later date and it will be consistent amongst grades, not by individual teachers.  With the new DESE guidelines, we will be eliminating the need for any shared supplies.  If you are in need of any financial support with regard to school supplies (backpacks, lunch bags, etc.), please feel free to let us know, as we are working with several local organization and generous donors.
Update on WPS Reopening Plans
Please note that Dr. Brand, Superintendent of Schools, will be hosting an online meeting this Thursday, August 6 at 6:30 p.m. to provide parents/guardians with specific updates and information regarding our reopening of schools. Please watch for the link to this meeting coming from his office soon.
This is just an initial email to give you some updates. I will be sending out more information as it becomes available. In addition to email communication, we have a Shawsheen Facebook page, Twitter page and Principal Blog where we post information. For district information please visit our new website at

lisaking@shawsheenschool  Twitter

Thank you and have a good evening,

Mrs. King

Friday, May 29, 2020

student belongings Pick Up---Important

Dear Families,
We made it through another week. I hope your children were able to enjoy some sunshine this week. As we get closer to the end of the year staff will be cleaning out student belongings. Next week, staff will voluntarily go in under social distancing precautions to pack up what is on student desks. They will do their best to gather all that they can. Included in the pickup bags will be anything that was labeled in the classroom such as water bottles, coats, sweatshirts, and anything that was on or in their desk that belongs to them. If the staff member is unclear whether it is a personal book or a classroom book, we will hold onto it until the fall or send it to the West. If you have something that you are certain is your child’s that you want to specifically make sure they get back, please email your teacher by Monday. Please note that staff are putting things in bags as they see them, they are not responsible for any headphones not working or broken items. (I don’t anticipate this, but wanted to be clear)
We have many things to gather from you as well like library books or anything borrowed from your classroom teacher.
Please read these procedures very carefully as we will only have volunteers for a limited amount of time to help with this process and want to make it as safe and efficient as we can. You may bring your children for the ride with you as they may see some special guests and for sure myself and Mr. Welch! Happy to see them even for a minute through a car window.      
On Monday, June 8th we will have a procedure in place to pick up student belongings. Please see the bulleted list below:
·        On your car window, please have your child’s last name, room number and teacher listed.
·        Please come at the time assigned. (we have 400 bags of supplies to hand out)
·        Please be patient as we have never done this before and will try to make it as efficient as possible.
·        Please pop open your trunk so that we can leave the items in the trunk.  If you are unable to pop your trunk please lower a back seat window so we will be able to place the item in your car.
·        Please do not get out of your car during this process. You will follow the cones and the line of cars to pull up.
  • Follow the signs for A Level, B Level & C Level clearly marked to park. If you have more than one child, please go to the younger grade level pick up time & you can gather all belongings.
·        You will have assigned times so please do your best to stick to those times.
Recorders Grade 3
Since grade 3 students have a recorder at home as already, recorders will be sent up to the West next year for students. 
Library Books
We have over 900 books out from the library. We are asking that when you come to pick up your student belongings you have your childs library books in a plastic bag.   Mrs. Patterson will be available to grab them from your trunk. Thank you for helping with this.
Please see the schedule below:

All students who are in sub-seperate programs belongings will be with their assigned classroom teacher.

Mrs. Lipski    A5
Mrs. Lesnik  C20
Ms. Cowden  A7
Mrs. Beauchamp  C21
Ms. Mckeown  A4
Mr. Mauriello C25
Ms. Weeks  A3
Mrs. Rogers C26
Mrs. Moroney  A1
Mrs. Cazeau C28
Mrs. Cali  A2
Mrs. Cameron C23
Ms. McDougal  B13
Mrs. Kelly-Joseph C29
Ms. Sadowski  B14
Mrs. Flaherty C27
Mrs. Gallo Dunn  C22